Black Ops Squadron

utility sink for the garage...
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Author:  whizperz [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  utility sink for the garage...

I know this is a weird request but does anyone have something like this setup in their garage? If not you, do your parents (or anyone you know) do? I've become slightly addicted to home improvements and I've got a big ass painting project that I'd like to do sometime early next year. With my urgent painting that I just finished (Ryan and Emma's rooms), I found myself cleaning my brushes and stuff in the upstairs sink. This will soon be Ryan's bathroom and I don't want dirty paint brushes and other chemicals around the kids. I figured the best way was to put a utility sink in the garage but I don't have a single freaking clue as to where to start or what setup is the best. I've been looking around at utility tubs but have only found them at Home Depot's website (Lowes and Sears don't really carry them). Is there a reason why? Is there something else people use instead?

Author:  SomeoneElse [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: utility sink for the garage...

I can look when I come down there whiz. If there is plumbing near by, I will have it done in an hour. If your hot water heater is in your garage, then it will be SUPER simple. I also can get you a deep utility sink for about $15 including faucet.

If you are using water based paints, there is not worries about rinsing them in your kitchen sink or where ever you want as they are not harmful to your drain, yourself, or your kids. Something I do on a job site is using a 5 gallon bucket, and rinse all of my brushes off in one bucket. The paint settles to the bottom, and you have cleaner water on top. This way, you can dump it when your done, or at the end of the project. This should hold you over if you have any other projects in the near future.

Author:  whizperz [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: utility sink for the garage...

Yeah the hot water heater is in the garage and I know where all the plumbing is (and where its going) in the crawlspace too if we need to get down there. I probably won't be ready to start this project for a while but I might have you look at the setup when you're down next time.

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